Why Should I Hire You? Here's How to Answer

Fri Jul 05 2024Author: InterviewPro AI

"Why would I hire you?" is a common job interview question that helps employers see if you're the right match for the job. They're looking for your skills, experience, and how well you fit the company. Answering this question well can boost your chances of getting hired.


  1. Highlight Relevant Skills: Focus on your skills that match the job description. Show how your abilities fit the job requirements.
  2. Show Results: Share specific examples of past achievements. Use measurable results to prove your value.
  3. Know the Company: Mention why you're excited about this company. Explain how you align with its goals and culture.
  4. Be Enthusiastic: Show genuine interest in the job. Let your enthusiasm for the role shine.
  5. Practice Your Answer: Rehearse your response. Keep it clear and concise.

Five Answers on How to Respond to "Why would I hire you?"

Answer 1:

You should hire me because I am highly motivated and dedicated. For example, in my previous role, I consistently exceeded my sales targets by 20% through proactive outreach and building strong relationships with clients.

Answer Breakdown: The response highlights the candidate's strong work ethic and past success in achieving goals, demonstrating their ability to drive results through proactive efforts and relationship-building. This showcases their potential to bring value to the role through dedication and motivation.

Answer 2:

You should hire me because I am a quick learner and have a proven track record of exceeding expectations in my previous roles. For example, in my last job, I was able to streamline our team's workflow, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity within the first six months.

Answer Breakdown: The response highlights the candidate's ability to learn quickly and achieve results, backed up by a specific example of improving productivity in a previous role. This demonstrates the candidate's value through tangible accomplishments and skills that can benefit the potential employer.

Answer 3:

You should hire me because I have a proven track record of successfully leading cross-functional teams to achieve project goals. For example, in my previous role, I was able to streamline our processes, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity within six months.

Answer Breakdown: The response highlights the applicant's relevant experience and achievements, demonstrating their ability to lead teams and drive results. By providing a specific example of past success, the applicant shows tangible evidence of their capabilities and value they can bring to the role.

Answer 4:

I have a proven track record of exceeding sales targets in my previous role by implementing innovative strategies and building strong relationships with clients. For example, I increased sales by 30% within six months by introducing a loyalty program that incentivized repeat purchases.

Answer Breakdown: The response highlights the candidate's past achievements and demonstrates their ability to drive results through strategic initiatives and relationship-building. This evidence-based approach showcases the candidate's value and potential contributions to the role they are interviewing for.

Answer 5:

I have a strong track record of meeting and exceeding sales targets in my previous role. For example, I consistently achieved a 20% increase in sales month over month for the past year.

Answer Breakdown: The response highlights the applicant's proven ability to achieve and surpass sales targets, providing concrete evidence of their success in a similar role. This demonstrates their value and potential contribution to the company's sales team.

Five STAR Method Answers on How to Respond to "Why would I hire you?"

STAR Answer 1:

Situation: In my previous role as a project manager, I was responsible for leading a team of 10 individuals on a critical project with a tight deadline.

Task: My task was to ensure that the project was completed on time and within budget while maintaining a high standard of quality.

Action: To achieve this, I implemented a detailed project plan, delegated tasks effectively, held regular team meetings to address any issues, and provided necessary resources and support to my team.

Result: As a result of my leadership and strategic approach, we successfully completed the project two days ahead of schedule, under budget, and received positive feedback from both the client and senior management.

STAR Answer Breakdown: The response effectively highlights the applicant's relevant experience, skills, and achievements in a previous role as a project manager. By providing a specific example of successfully leading a team to complete a project ahead of schedule and under budget, the answer demonstrates the applicant's ability to deliver results and effectively manage complex tasks.

STAR Answer 2:

Situation: During my last job interview, I was asked why the employer should hire me.

Task: My task was to effectively communicate my skills and experiences to demonstrate why I was the best fit for the position.

Action: I highlighted my relevant work experience, problem-solving skills, and ability to work well in a team. I also shared a specific example of a project where I successfully led a team to achieve a significant milestone.

Result: The interviewer was impressed by my qualifications and the example I provided, and I was offered the job shortly after the interview.

STAR Answer Breakdown: The candidate effectively communicated their skills and experiences, showcasing their relevant work experience, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork skills. By providing a specific example of a successful project they led, they demonstrated their capability to achieve significant milestones. This approach helped the interviewer see the candidate as a strong fit for the position, leading to a job offer.

STAR Answer 3:

Situation: I was hired as a project manager for a marketing campaign that was falling behind schedule and needed to be completed within a tight deadline.

Task: My task was to analyze the current progress, identify bottlenecks, and come up with a plan to bring the project back on track to ensure it was completed on time.

Action: I immediately held a meeting with the team to discuss the issues, reassign tasks to alleviate the bottlenecks, and implemented a more efficient communication system to improve coordination.

Result: Through my strategic planning and effective leadership, the team was able to meet the deadline successfully, exceeding expectations and delivering a high-quality campaign that generated positive results for the company.

STAR Answer Breakdown: By providing a specific example of successfully managing a project that was behind schedule and needed to be completed within a tight deadline, the candidate demonstrates their ability to analyze situations, identify problems, develop solutions, and lead a team to achieve successful outcomes. This answer showcases the candidate's strategic planning, effective communication, and leadership skills, which are essential qualities for the role they are applying for.

STAR Answer 4:

Situation: In my previous role, I was responsible for leading a team of 5 people to successfully launch a new product in the market.

Task: The task was to ensure that the product was delivered on time, within budget, and met the quality standards set by the company.

Action: I took charge of coordinating with different departments, setting clear goals and timelines, and providing support and guidance to my team throughout the project.

Result: As a result of my leadership and teamwork, we were able to launch the product ahead of schedule, increase sales by 20% within the first month, and received positive feedback from both customers and stakeholders.

STAR Answer Breakdown: The response effectively highlights the applicant's past experience, showcasing their ability to lead a team, meet project goals, and achieve successful outcomes. By providing specific examples of their actions and the positive results achieved, the applicant demonstrates their value and potential contributions to a new role.

STAR Answer 5:

Situation: During my last job interview, I was asked why the interviewer should hire me for the position.

Task: The task was to effectively communicate my qualifications and unique skills to stand out among other candidates.

Action: I highlighted my relevant experience, strong work ethic, and ability to adapt to new challenges quickly. I also mentioned my successful track record in project management and problem-solving skills.

Result: As a result, the interviewer saw me as a valuable candidate who could bring expertise and a fresh perspective to the team, which ultimately led to me being offered the job.

STAR Answer Breakdown: The candidate effectively communicated their qualifications and unique skills, emphasizing relevant experience, a strong work ethic, adaptability to new challenges, successful track record in project management, and problem-solving skills. This demonstrated to the interviewer that the candidate would bring expertise and a fresh perspective to the team, making them a valuable hire.

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